Spent a little time reorganising my digital picture gallery this afternoon. In doing so I realised that I really like some of the pictures I’ve taken since the beginning of the year. So - decided to collect some of them together into a multimedia musical slide-show montage for some visual aspects of London as seen from my own eyes. Those of you who have loyally followed this journal for at least the last 8 months or so (which is when I got my latest wonderful digital stills camera) will recognise some of the pictures from previous entries - but I’ve thrown in a few bonus pictures that have thus far remained unpublished.
Click on the green button in the image below to load the musical slide show. It’s just under 6 megabytes to download - but once you’ve downloaded it once it won’t need to be downloaded again. It should only take a few minutes if your on broadband ADSL/Cable etc. but if you are on dialup and you really wanna see it - then you had best go make a cup of tea whilst it’s downloading.
Once downloaded - hit the green button again - and then you may use the red button to pause or step backwards through the pics - and the green button to resume the automatic slideshow. Turn up the volume to MAXIMUM LOUD to hear the musical accompaniment as the director intended. :-)
(Ignore the error - the comment will still be added - I just haven’t got round to fixing the problem yet)
I tried downloading the montage in my sad and slow home connection and guess what, it didn’t even start! Will try again :) Did want to have a look at the pictures…
Posted by: Anita on August 11, 2004 03:34 PMMust say you can do wonders with the little camera of your. I must admit you have a wonderful taste and a outlook toward the subject that you capture in your cam. Specially taking a wonderful approach when it come to taking the snaps of your close ones. Will be looking out for more of the wonderful stuff :)
Posted by: Jayjit on August 11, 2004 10:53 PMAnita: So sorry to hear that you couldn’t view the pictures. :-( I wonder if you have a compatible version of the Macromedia Flash plugin for your browser? Apologies if it caused much wasted time and connection charges for you.
Jayjit: many, many thanks for your kind comment! I am flattered. I am so glad you liked the pictures!
Posted by: Jag on August 11, 2004 11:11 PM