March 17, 2004
Skip Alert

Whenever a homeowner in the neighbourhood has some building work done on their house (e.g. new roof - or a home extension) - a large container called a “skip” is usually hired to collect all the debris. Why it’s called a “skip” beats me - but the skip is usually delivered to the house by a truck that’s specifically designed to transport skips (see picture when you click on the link above) - and is usually left on the street in front of the house that hired it. A week or so later - the same truck comes back to pick the skip up - and dispose of the unwanted construction debris at an appropriate municipal dumping place.

However, and I think this a peculiarly British thing, whenever a skip appears in front of a house - it seems to be invitation for other homeowners in the neighbourhood to take advantage of it - and dump some of their own, typically bulky, unwanted rubbish in it. This cheeky act is usually done very discretely - and almost always at night under the cover of darkness. This can be really annoying for the homeowner who hired the skip in the first place - for obvious reasons. For example - a few years ago - my next-door neighbour had his roof re-done - and a skip was duly delivered to the outside of his house the evening before the work on his roof was supposed to start. The next morning - the skip was filled with an old three-seater sofa, an old 36-inch television set, and a couple of king-size bed matresses. Needless to say he wasn’t happy - because the skip was full - and of other people’s rubbish!

It seems that the culprits are never people in your own street - they are typically people from nearby streets - or a few streets away. You see, word travels fast when there’s a skip in the neighbourhood. These days it’s common to see skips covered with tarpaulin - securely tied down at night to deter this sort of behaviour.

I smiled as I walked past a skip on the way to the bus stop this morning.


Posted by jag at March 17, 2004 08:22 AM

My neighbour has had a skip outside for a couple of months and has been through about 4 loads now. I recently asked if I could put some stuff from my front garden - as a reward for not complaining about the building noise!

Anyway, as I shoveled stuff in, I had to keep looking out for passers-by and had a hard time not yelling, “I asked permission first! Honest!”

Posted by: Lisa on March 17, 2004 04:53 PM

lol I guess it’s not that much of a peculiarly British thing… I’ve been witnessing the same phenomenon over here oh so many times. In fact, you could almost make a living on placing bets on how much those heaps of debris and bulky refuse are going to miraculously grow over night every time you’re walking past one of these containers …

Posted by: simone on March 17, 2004 09:18 PM

Hi Lisa: I can fully understand your predicament! Hope you didn’t get branded a “skinflint” ! (That’s what my barber calls me whenever I tell him about shopping bargains!)

Simone: Hope you are well. I’m kind of glad that it’s not just a peculiarly British thing!

Posted by: Jag on March 18, 2004 10:13 PM

Hahahahaha.…funny! Also interesting.….…

Posted by: Shobha on March 19, 2004 07:22 AM
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